1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 | [root@localhost bin]# aql --help Usage: aql OPTIONS OPTIONS -h <host> The hostname to the server connect to . Default : -p <port> The port number of the server to connect to . Default : 3000 -U < user name > User name used to authenticate with cluster. Default : none -P[< password >] Password used to authenticate with cluster. Default : none User will be prompted on command line if -P specified and no password is given. -c <command> Execute the specified command. -f <filepath> Execute the commands in the specified file. -v Enable verbose output . Default : disabled -e Enable echoing of commands. Default disabled -M Result display disabled. Default display enabled -q Scan queue size . Default 3 -T <milliseconds> Set the timeout (ms) for commands. Default : 1000 -S Enable SLAP mode for queries. Default : disabled -t <n> Number of batch threads for SLAP mode. Default : 10 -i <n> Number of iterations per thread for SLAP mode. Default : 10 -o (json | table ) Set the output mode. Default : table -F <file path> Set output file path. Default : /dev/ null -u <path> Path to User managed UDF modules. Default : /opt/aerospike/usr/udf/lua -s <path> Path to the System managed UDF modules. Default : /opt/aerospike/sys/udf/lua -d Run in debug mode. --help Prints this message. COMMANDS DDL CREATE INDEX < index > ON <ns>[.< set >] (<bin>) NUMERIC |STRING CREATE LIST/MAPKEYS/MAVALUES INDEX < index > ON <ns>[.< set >] (<bin>) NUMERIC |STRING DROP INDEX <ns>[.< set >] < index > REPAIR INDEX < index > ON <ns>[.< set >] <ns> is the namespace for the index . < set > is the set name for the index . < index > is the name of the index . Examples: CREATE INDEX idx_foo ON test.demo (foo) NUMERIC DROP INDEX test.demo idx_foo REPAIR INDEX idx_foo ON test.demo DML INSERT INTO <ns>[.< set >] (PK, <bins>) VALUES (< key >, < values >) DELETE FROM <ns>[.< set >] WHERE PK = < key > <ns> is the namespace for the record. < set > is the set name for the record. < key > is the record 's primary key. <key> is the record' s primary key . <bins> is a comma-separated list of bin names. < values > is comma-separated list of bin values . Keep it NULL ( case insensitive & w/o quotes) to delete the bin Examples: INSERT INTO test.demo (PK, foo, bar) VALUES ( 'key1' , 123, 'abc' ) DELETE FROM test.demo WHERE PK = 'key1' QUERY SELECT <bins> FROM <ns>[.< set >] SELECT <bins> FROM <ns>[.< set >] WHERE <bin> = <value> SELECT <bins> FROM <ns>[.< set >] WHERE <bin> BETWEEN < lower > AND < upper > SELECT <bins> FROM <ns>[.< set >] WHERE PK = < key > SELECT <bins> FROM <ns>[.< set >] IN <indextype> WHERE <bin> = <value> SELECT <bins> FROM <ns>[.< set >] IN <indextype> WHERE <bin> BETWEEN < lower > AND < upper > <ns> is the namespace for the records to be queried. < set > is the set name for the record to be queried. < key > is the record 's primary key. <bin> is the name of a bin. <value> is the value of a bin. <indextype> is the type of a index user wants to query. (LIST/MAPKEYS/MAPVALUES) <bins> can be either a wildcard (*) or a comma-separated list of bin names. <lower> is the lower bound for a numeric range query. <upper> is the lower bound for a numeric range query. Examples: SELECT * FROM test.demo SELECT * FROM test.demo WHERE PK = ' key1 ' SELECT foo, bar FROM test.demo WHERE PK = ' key1 ' SELECT foo, bar FROM test.demo WHERE foo = 123 SELECT foo, bar FROM test.demo WHERE foo BETWEEN 0 AND 999 MANAGE UDFS REGISTER MODULE ' <filepath> ' SHOW MODULES REMOVE MODULE <filename> DESC MODULE <filename> <filepath> is file path to the UDF module(in single quotes). <filename> is file name of the UDF module. Examples: REGISTER MODULE ' ~/test.lua ' SHOW MODULES DESC MODULE test.lua REMOVE MODULE test.lua INVOKING UDFS EXECUTE <module>.<function>(<args>) ON <ns>[.<set>] EXECUTE <module>.<function>(<args>) ON <ns>[.<set>] WHERE PK = <key> AGGREGATE <module>.<function>(<args>) ON <ns>[.<set>] WHERE <bin> = <value> AGGREGATE <module>.<function>(<args>) ON <ns>[.<set>] WHERE <bin> BETWEEN <lower> AND <upper> <module> is UDF module containing the function to invoke. <function> is UDF to invoke. <args> is a comma-separated list of argument values for the UDF. <ns> is the namespace for the records to be queried. <set> is the set name for the record to be queried. <key> is the record' s primary key . <bin> is the name of a bin. <value> is the value of a bin. < lower > is the lower bound for a numeric range query. < upper > is the lower bound for a numeric range query. Examples: EXECUTE myudfs.udf1(2) ON test.demo EXECUTE myudfs.udf1(2) ON test.demo WHERE PK = 'key1' AGGREGATE myudfs.udf2(2) ON test.demo WHERE foo = 123 AGGREGATE myudfs.udf2(2) ON test.demo WHERE foo BETWEEN 0 AND 999 INFO SHOW NAMESPACES | SETS | BINS | INDEXES SHOW SCANS | QUERIES STAT NAMESPACE <ns> | INDEX <ns> <indexname> STAT SYSTEM JOB MANAGEMENT KILL_QUERY <transaction_id> KILL_SCAN <scan_id> USER ADMINISTRATION CREATE USER < user > PASSWORD < password > ROLE[S] <role1>,<role2>... pre-defined roles: read | read -write| read -write-udf|sys-admin| user -admin DROP USER < user > SET PASSWORD < password > [ FOR < user >] GRANT ROLE[S] <role1>,<role2>... TO < user > REVOKE ROLE[S] <role1>,<role2>... FROM < user > CREATE ROLE <role> PRIVILEGE[S] <priv1[.ns1[.set1]]>,<priv2[.ns2[.set2]]>... priv: read | read -write| read -write-udf|sys-admin| user -admin ns: namespace. Applies to all namespaces if not set . set : set name . Applie to all sets within namespace if not set . sys-admin and user -admin can't be qualified with namespace or set . DROP ROLE <role> GRANT PRIVILEGE[S] <priv1[.ns1[.set1]]>,<priv2[.ns2[.set2]]>... TO <role> REVOKE PRIVILEGE[S] <priv1[.ns1[.set1]]>,<priv2[.ns2[.set2]]>... FROM <role> SHOW USER [< user >] SHOW USERS SHOW ROLE <role> SHOW ROLES SETTINGS TIMEOUT ( time in ms, default : 1000 ms) RECORD_TTL ( time in ms, default : 0 ms) VERBOSE ( true | false , default false ) ECHO ( true | false , default false ) FAIL_ON_CLUSTER_CHANGE ( true | false , default true , policy applies to scans) OUTPUT ( table | json, default table ) LUA_USERPATH <path>, default : /opt/aerospike/usr/udf/lua LUA_SYSPATH <path>, default : /opt/aerospike/sys/udf/lua To get the value of a setting, run: aql> GET <setting> To set the value of a setting, run: aql> SET <setting> <value> OTHER RUN <filepath> HELP QUIT|EXIT|Q Aerospike Query Copyright 2013 Aerospike. All rights reserved. |
1 2 | aql> INSERT INTO test.set_fir (PK,uid,uname) VALUES ( 'key' ,1, 'Aerospike' ) OK, 1 record affected. |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | aql> select * from test.set_fir + -----+-------------+ | uid | uname | + -----+-------------+ | 1 | "Aerospike" | + -----+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.048 secs) |
删除set:test.demo11 中的数据:
1 2 | aql> DELETE FROM test.set_fir WHERE PK = 'key' OK, 1 record affected. |
1 2 | [root@localhost bin]# asinfo -v "set-config:context=namespace;id=test;set=set_fir;set-delete=true;" ok |
1 2 | [root@localhost ~]# asinfo -v "set-config:context=namespace;id=test;set=demo11;set-delete=true;" ok |
1 2 | aql> select * from test.demo11 0 rows in set (0.068 secs) |