Hash-index @ SwayDB
对于处理随机读取请求很有用。 它们提高了随机访问数据的性能,减少了IOps的总数并节省了CPU时间。 但是对于那些需要很少像这样随机读取
- 时间序列要么事件源数据可能只需要快速顺序读取。
- 冷库要么存档数据可能根本不需要随机读取。
A configurable hash-index is required for SwayDB so various data storage requirements could be handled. 以下是要求:
- (可选)启用或禁用哈希索引。
- 允许创建完美或接近完美的哈希索引。
- Create partially indexed hash-indexes with fallback to alternative indexes like binary-search & linear-search.
- 将密钥直接复制到哈希索引中。
- 受控并发。
- 压缩。
Example configuration
- Map<Integer, String, Void> map =
- MapConfig
- .functionsOff(Paths.get("myMap"), intSerializer(), stringSerializer())
- .set随机关键字索引(RandomKeyIndex.disable())
- .get();
- map.put(1, "one");
- map.get(1); //Optional[one]
Map<Integer, String, Void> map = - MapConfig
- .functionsOff(Paths.get("myMap"), intSerializer(), stringSerializer())
- .setRandomKeyIndex(
- RandomKeyIndex
- .builder()
- .maxProbe(10) //re-hash 10 times to resolve hash collision
- .minimumNumberOfKeys(20) //minimum keys required
- .minimumNumberOfHits(10) //minimum indexed keys required
- //use reference format. IndexFormat.copyKeys() can also be used here
- //to copy keys directly into the hash-index
- .indexFormat(IndexFormat.reference())
- .allocateSpace(
- (RandomKeyIndex.RequiredSpace optimalSpace) ->
- //allocates 3 times more storage than the
- //default optimal space for higher hit rate.
- optimalSpace.requiredSpace() * 3
- )
- //allow async IO for all IO operations
- .ioStrategy((IOAction ioAction) -> new IOStrategy.AsyncIO(true))
- //Use LZ4 and fallback to Snappy.
- .compression((UncompressedBlockInfo info) ->
- Arrays.asList(
- //try running LZ4 with minimum 20.0% compression
- Compression.lz4Pair(
- new Pair(LZ4Instance.fastestInstance(), new LZ4Compressor.Fast(20.0)),
- new Pair(LZ4Instance.fastestInstance(), LZ4Decompressor.fastDecompressor())
- ),
- //if LZ4 fails try Snappy with 20.0% compression.
- new Compression.Snappy(20.0)
- )
- )
- )
- .get();
- map.put(1, "one");
- map.get(1); //Optional[one]
For a detail documentation of the configurations refer to documentation website.
from: https://dev.to//simerplaha/hash-index-swaydb-4k8