

取消 复制
2022-04-06 14:29:49

oushuDB version
PostgreSQL 8.2.15 (OushuDB build 25055 Enterprise Edition)
(Apache HAWQ (Greenplum Database 4.2.0)

Table type
Append only table
CREATE TABLE ao_demo_none (id int)
with (appendonly =true, orientation =row );

Snappy [ - ]
CREATE TABLE ao_demo_snappy (id int)
with (appendonly =true, orientation =row , compresstype = snappy);

Lz4 [ 0-9 ]
CREATE TABLE ao_demo_lz4 (id int)
with (appendonly =true, orientation =row , compresstype = lz4);

CREATE TABLE ao_demo_lz4_01 (id int)
with (appendonly =true, orientation =row , compresstype = lz4,compresslevel=1);

CREATE TABLE ao_demo_lz4_02 (id int)
with (appendonly =true, orientation =row , compresstype = lz4,compresslevel=2);

CREATE TABLE ao_demo_lz4_03 (id int)
with (appendonly =true, orientation =row , compresstype = lz4,compresslevel=3);

CREATE TABLE ao_demo_lz4_04 (id int)
with (appendonly =true, orientation =row , compresstype = lz4,compresslevel=4);

CREATE TABLE ao_demo_lz4_05 (id int)
with (appendonly =true, orientation =row , compresstype = lz4,compresslevel=5);

CREATE TABLE ao_demo_lz4_06 (id int)
with (appendonly =true, orientation =row , compresstype = lz4,compresslevel=6);

CREATE TABLE ao_demo_lz4_07 (id int)
with (appendonly =true, orientation =row , compresstype = lz4,compresslevel=7);

CREATE TABLE ao_demo_lz4_08 (id int)
with (appendonly =true, orientation =row , compresstype = lz4,compresslevel=8);

CREATE TABLE ao_demo_lz4_09 (id int)
with (appendonly =true, orientation =row , compresstype = lz4,compresslevel=9);

Zlib [ 0-9 ]
CREATE TABLE ao_demo_zlib (id int)
with (appendonly =true, orientation =row , compresstype = zlib);

CREATE TABLE ao_demo_zlib_01 (id int)
with (appendonly =true, orientation =row , compresstype = zlib,compresslevel=1);

CREATE TABLE ao_demo_zlib_02 (id int)
with (appendonly =true, orientation =row , compresstype = zlib,compresslevel=2);

CREATE TABLE ao_demo_zlib_03 (id int)
with (appendonly =true, orientation =row , compresstype = zlib,compresslevel=3);

CREATE TABLE ao_demo_zlib_04 (id int)
with (appendonly =true, orientation =row , compresstype = zlib,compresslevel=4);

CREATE TABLE ao_demo_zlib_05 (id int)
with (appendonly =true, orientation =row , compresstype = zlib,compresslevel=5);

CREATE TABLE ao_demo_zlib_06 (id int)
with (appendonly =true, orientation =row , compresstype = zlib,compresslevel=6);

CREATE TABLE ao_demo_zlib_07 (id int)
with (appendonly =true, orientation =row , compresstype = zlib,compresslevel=7);

CREATE TABLE ao_demo_zlib_08 (id int)
with (appendonly =true, orientation =row , compresstype = zlib,compresslevel=8);

CREATE TABLE ao_demo_zlib_09 (id int)
with (appendonly =true, orientation =row , compresstype = zlib,compresslevel=9);

Parquet table
CREATE TABLE parquet_demo_none (id int)
with (appendonly =true, orientation =parquet );
Snappy [ - ]
CREATE TABLE parquet_demo_snappy (id int)
with (appendonly =true, orientation =parquet, compresstype = snappy );
Lz4 [ 0-9 ]
ERROR: parquet table doesn't support compress type: 'lz4'
Zlib [ 0-9 ]
ERROR: parquet table doesn't support compress type: 'zlib'
Native Orc table
create table orc_demo_none (id int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=orc);

Snappy [ - ]
create table orc_demo_snappy (id int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=orc, compresstype = snappy);
Lz4 [ 0-9 ][ 压缩级别均等价于level=1 ]
create table orc_demo_lz4 (id int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=orc, compresstype = lz4, dicthreshold='0.8');

create table orc_demo_lz4_01 (id int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=orc, compresstype = lz4, dicthreshold='0.8', compresslevel=1);

create table orc_demo_lz4_02 (id int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=orc, compresstype = lz4, dicthreshold='0.8', compresslevel=2);

create table orc_demo_lz4_03 (id int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=orc, compresstype = lz4, dicthreshold='0.8', compresslevel=3);

create table orc_demo_lz4_04 (id int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=orc, compresstype = lz4, dicthreshold='0.8', compresslevel=4);

create table orc_demo_lz4_05 (id int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=orc, compresstype = lz4, dicthreshold='0.8', compresslevel=5);

create table orc_demo_lz4_06 (id int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=orc, compresstype = lz4, dicthreshold='0.8', compresslevel=6);

create table orc_demo_lz4_07 (id int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=orc, compresstype = lz4, dicthreshold='0.8', compresslevel=7);

create table orc_demo_lz4_08 (id int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=orc, compresstype = lz4, dicthreshold='0.8', compresslevel=8);

create table orc_demo_lz4_09 (id int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=orc, compresstype = lz4, dicthreshold='0.8', compresslevel=9);

Zlib [ 0-9 ][ 压缩级别均等价于level=1 ]
create table orc_demo_zlib (id int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=orc, compresstype = zlib);

create table orc_demo_zlib_01 (id int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=orc, compresstype = zlib, compresslevel=1);

create table orc_demo_zlib_02 (id int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=orc, compresstype = zlib, compresslevel=2);

create table orc_demo_zlib_03 (id int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=orc, compresstype = zlib, compresslevel=3);

create table orc_demo_zlib_04 (id int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=orc, compresstype = zlib, compresslevel=4);

create table orc_demo_zlib_05 (id int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=orc, compresstype = zlib, compresslevel=5);

create table orc_demo_zlib_06 (id int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=orc, compresstype = zlib, compresslevel=6);

create table orc_demo_zlib_07 (id int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=orc, compresstype = zlib, compresslevel=7);

create table orc_demo_zlib_08 (id int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=orc, compresstype = zlib, compresslevel=8);

create table orc_demo_zlib_09 (id int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=orc, compresstype = zlib, compresslevel=9);

zstd [ 0-9 ][ 压缩级别均等价于level=1 ]
create table orc_demo_zstd (id int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=orc, compresstype = zstd);

create table orc_demo_zstd_01 (id int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=orc, compresstype = zstd, compresslevel=1);

create table orc_demo_zstd_02 (id int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=orc, compresstype = zstd, compresslevel=2);

create table orc_demo_zstd_03 (id int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=orc, compresstype = zstd, compresslevel=3);

create table orc_demo_zstd_04 (id int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=orc, compresstype = zstd, compresslevel=4);

create table orc_demo_zstd_05 (id int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=orc, compresstype = zstd, compresslevel=5);

create table orc_demo_zstd_06 (id int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=orc, compresstype = zstd, compresslevel=6);

create table orc_demo_zstd_07 (id int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=orc, compresstype = zstd, compresslevel=7);

create table orc_demo_zstd_08 (id int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=orc, compresstype = zstd, compresslevel=8);

create table orc_demo_zstd_09 (id int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=orc, compresstype = zstd, compresslevel=9);

Magmaap table
create table magmaap_demo_none (id int) format 'magmaap';
版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「xiao_mini」的原创文章,遵循CC 4.0 BY-SA版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接及本声明。



创建时间:2022-04-06 10:54:34

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  • gaokeke123